
Need help? We are here to help

STORM FX offers customers a variety of expert advice and technical support services
spanning the many facets of your business.

Support options

We offer a range of technical solutions with flexible delivery options to ensure you receive the very best for you and your budget.

Pay as you go

one low price without a commitment
  • Hourly rate basis
  • Email, phone, remote or onsite
  • Priority support
  • Valid for 12 months

Prepaid and Save

Saves having to request budget for when you need support
  • 50 hours supportat discounted rate
  • Email, phone, remote or onsite
  • Priority support
  • Valid for 12 months

| Technical support is billed in 30-minute increments |

STORM FX Team Viewer support:


We have a knowledgeable, passionate and hard-working team of system engineers and application specialists who have unique skills and experiences to bring to any project.

In a web browser (from any machine on your network) you can navigate to http://hostname-of-vray-license-server:30304 note. This is also a good way to test if other machines will be able to obtain V-Ray licences from the licence server over the network.

In the start menu under Chaos group/V-Ray for Max-Maya etc/ click ‘Change licence settings’ and enter the hostname or IP-Address of the machine that your V-Ray dongle is connected to.

Step 1:

Login to your Chaosgroup account

Step 2:

Click on your account name

Step 3:

Click on manage account

Step 1:

For Windows – Open a command prompt and enter ipconfig/all

For Mac/Linux – Open the terminal and enter ifconfig

Step 2:

Copy and paste the resulting output

Upgrading your licence server to the current version is mandatory for use with 2016 licences. Please see this link for more.

You will need an Epic Games account in order to use Twinmotion. To create an Epic account, please click here to register.

For a detailed guide on redeeming your Twinmotion code along with other helpful information, please click here to download.

Some customers who were previously running Twinmotion in trial mode have reported that after purchasing and redeeming their code, Twinmotion remained in ‘trial mode’ and it was necessary to reinstall the Twinmotion plugin after deleting their existing trial version.

Please note, for companies wanting multiple Twinmotion licenses, you cannot have more than one Twinmotion license per account. You will need to create additional Epic accounts. There is no ‘floating license’ method.

Contact us

Please use the form below to get in touch directly with STORM FX. A member of our team will endeavour to get back to you as soon as possible.

Our Storm FX offices will be closed from Thursday December 22nd 2022, reopening Tuesday 10th January 2023.